college resources
Learn about the many Colleges, Universities, and Trade Schools in Utah and learn which one is right for you! Use the links to find what college entrance requirements are, how much tuition and fees will cost, and when scholarship deadlines are due.
Key pages to explore when looking at colleges:
- Future Students = Has all the information an incoming student needs to apply and get financial aid
- Admissions = College Applications, Admission Standards, and Important Deadlines
- Academics = Programs of Study, Majors, Courses offered, and Contact Info. for advisors
- Financial Aid, Scholarships, Tuition and Fees $$= All will link you to information about how much it costs to attend and how to obtain financial aid for college
- Visit = Set up a campus tour to check out the college
UtaH Colleges
Paying for college:
fafSa, scholarships, and financial aid
Learn more about college from one of our amazing Granger counselors- Mrs. Havea!